
This case study demonstrates how CertifyMe, a leading digital credentialing platform, revitalized a York-based association struggling with stagnant membership growth. By implementing innovative credential management solutions and targeted marketing strategies, CertifyMe helped the association achieve a 32% increase in membership, enhanced community engagement, and improved revenue.

Founded 14 years ago, the association had grown to over 1,000 members but faced a significant decline due to the pandemic. Seeking to revitalize their membership, they turned to CertifyMe. This case study explores the challenges faced, the solutions provided by CertifyMe, and the impactful results achieved.

The Organization

  1. Founded By: Industry professionals focusing on HR and networking.
  2. Focus: Professional development and networking opportunities.
  3. Challenge: Limited brand recognition, inefficient membership processes, and ineffective marketing strategies hindered growth.
  4. Goal: Increase membership by 25% by the end of 2022.


  1. Increase Member Count: Expand the professional network by attracting new members.
  2. Streamline Onboarding: Simplify membership registration and management.
  3. Enhance Brand Recognition: Boost visibility within the industry.
  4. Implement Targeted Marketing: Attract and retain members through strategic marketing.


  1. Brand Recognition: Low visibility among industry professionals.
  2. Membership Management: Inefficient and cumbersome processes.
  3. Marketing Strategies: Poorly executed campaigns failing to attract and retain members.
  4. Data Analysis: Inadequate for making informed decisions.

CertifyMe’s Solutions

  1. Streamlined Membership Management: CertifyMe introduced an advanced credential management system that automated processes like registration and renewals, making membership management seamless and efficient.
  2. Customized Membership Benefits: Tailored membership benefits included exclusive digital credentials for various achievements and responsibilities. The introduction of colorful, engaging badges and certificates kept members motivated and involved.
  3. Targeted Marketing: The association’s credentials were designed for easy sharing on social media, enhancing visibility without additional marketing costs. The credentials featured the association’s branding, driving organic growth.
  4. Brand Awareness and Industry Partnerships: CertifyMe supported the association in building brand recognition and forming new industry partnerships, enhancing its reputation as a valuable professional resource.
  5. Data Analytics and Optimization: Our platform’s analytics tools provided insights into member engagement and credential performance, enabling the association to make data-driven decisions and optimize its credentialing process.

Implementation Process

Comprehensive Consultation and Needs Assessment

CertifyMe began by conducting a thorough consultation with the association’s leadership team to align with their goals, challenges, and target audience. A detailed needs assessment was performed to identify the most effective types of credentials for boosting brand recognition and member engagement.

Seamless Integration with Existing Systems

To ensure efficiency, CertifyMe’s digital credentialing system was integrated with the association’s current membership management system. This integration facilitated the automatic issuance of credentials upon milestone achievements, streamlining processes and minimizing manual intervention.

Pilot Program and Optimization

A pilot program was launched to test the new digital credentials with a select group of members. Feedback from this phase was used to refine and enhance the system. Adjustments were made to ensure the credentials were user-friendly, visually appealing, and aligned with the association’s objectives.

Strategic Launch and Promotional Campaign

Once finalized, the digital credentials were officially launched to all members. A targeted promotional campaign encouraged members to share their credentials on social media, amplifying the association’s visibility and attracting new members.

Continuous Support and System Updates

CertifyMe provided ongoing support, including regular updates to the credentialing system and the introduction of new features. The association also received access to analytics tools to monitor credential performance, member engagement, and overall impact.


  1. Increased Member Count: Membership grew by 32%, surpassing initial targets. Retention rates improved by 23%, and approximately 36% of existing members opted for renewals.
  2. Enhanced Community Engagement: Increased participation in events and networking activities was observed, driven by the engagement facilitated through CertifyMe’s customized benefits.
  3. Improved Brand Recognition: The association gained recognition as a reputable industry resource, securing partnerships with three new organizations.
  4. Increased Revenue: Revenue rose through membership fees, event registrations, and partnerships, bolstered by CertifyMe’s enhanced digital presence and awareness.


Digital credentials are revolutionizing the certification landscape. The success story of the York-based association highlights how digital credentials can drive substantial growth and engagement even in non-teaching sectors. CertifyMe’s solutions demonstrate the transformative potential of digital credentials in modernizing membership management and enhancing brand visibility.

Beau Jones, Chairman of the association, reflects:

“We were initially unsure if digital credentials would deliver the results we hoped for, but the outcome has been beyond our expectations. Our association has overcome significant challenges, and our partnership with CertifyMe has been pivotal in our journey toward growth and success.”

If your association or organization is struggling with stagnant growth, explore how CertifyMe’s digital credentialing solutions can rejuvenate your membership base and enhance engagement. Book a demo to see how we can help transform your organization’s future!