
Create Digital Badges for Product Training Programs - Step-by-Step

Creating product training badges is an essential part of recognizing and motivating your users or employees for their achievements and skills development. These badges can serve as a visual representation of their accomplishments and can be a powerful tool for gamification and engagement. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of creating and awarding product training badges using the CertifyMe platform.

Step 1: Login to CertifyMe


  1. Open your web browser and navigate to the CertifyMe platform (

  2. On the CertifyMe homepage, locate the login section.

  3. Enter your username and password to access your account.

  4. Once logged in, you will be directed to your dashboard or admin panel, depending on your role and permissions.

Step 2: Update Program Details

Before creating badges, it’s essential to ensure that the program for which you are designing badges is correctly set up. Follow these steps to update program details: image

Program Name:

  1. Navigate to the “Programs” or “Courses” section on your dashboard.
  2. Find the program for which you want to create badges.
  3. Click on the program name to access its details.
  4. In the program details section, you can edit the program name if needed.
  5. Save the changes.

About the Program:

In the same program details section, you can provide or update information about the program. This can include a brief description, objectives, and any other relevant information.

Make sure to save the changes after editing.

Skills and Learning Objectives:

Scroll down to the “Skills” section within the program details. Here, you can list the specific skills or objectives that participants will gain from completing the program.

  1. Add skills as necessary.
  2. Save the changes.

Earning Criteria:

  1. Define the criteria that participants need to meet to earn the badges. This may include passing a quiz, completing a certain number of modules, or achieving a specific score.

  2. Be sure to specify the exact requirements clearly.

  3. Save the changes.

Validity Period:

If your program has a limited validity period, set the start and end dates to ensure that badges are only awarded within this timeframe. Save the changes to update the validity period.

Step 3: Design Badge Image


Creating an attractive and distinctive badge image is crucial to motivate and engage your users. You can either use an image editor within the CertifyMe platform or integrate with external design tools like Canva. Here’s how to design a badge image:

  1. Using CertifyMe’s Image Editor
    1. In the program details section, look for an option like “Badge Design” or “Create Badge.”

    2. Click on it to open the badge design editor.

    3. Use the built-in tools to create your badge. You can choose from various shapes, colors, icons, and text styles.

    4. Add the program name, a relevant image or icon, and any other elements you want in your badge.

    5. Preview the badge to ensure it looks as desired.

    6. Save the badge design.

  2. Using Canva Integration
    1. If your CertifyMe platform integrates with Canva, navigate to the badge design section.

    2. Click on the “Use Canva” or a similar button/link to access Canva’s design interface.

    3. Use Canva’s extensive design tools to create a visually appealing badge.

    4. Customize the badge with your program’s name, logo, and any other elements.

    5. Save the badge design within Canva.

Step 4: Save Badge

Once you’ve designed the badge image, it’s time to save it for future use. Follow these steps:

  1. Using CertifyMe’s Image Editor
    1. In the badge design editor, look for a “Save” or “Save Badge” option.

    2. Name your badge design to make it easy to identify in the future.

    3. Save the badge design within CertifyMe.

  2. Using Canva Integration
    1. After designing the badge in Canva, make sure to save the design within Canva itself.

    2. Canva may provide options to export or download the badge image.

    3. Download the badge image and keep it in a readily accessible location.

Step 5: Awarding Badges

Now that you have created your badges, it’s time to award them to participants who meet the program’s criteria. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Return to your CertifyMe dashboard or admin panel.

  2. Navigate to the program for which you want to award badges.

  3. Look for an option like “Award Badges “ within the program settings.

  4. Select the participants who have met the earning criteria for the badge.

  5. Choose the badge design you created earlier from the available options.

  6. Confirm the badge award and notify participants. You can send them notifications via email or within the CertifyMe platform.


Creating and awarding product training badges is an effective way to motivate and recognize the accomplishments of your users or employees. By following this step-by-step process on CertifyMe, you can ensure that your badges are well-designed, aligned with program details, and awarded to deserving participants. Remember that clear program details, appealing badge design, and seamless badge management are key factors in maximizing the impact of your training and certification programs.